Title 1 Compact
Public School–Partners in Learning Student/Parent/Teacher Compact
We know that students learn best when EVERYONE works together to encourage learning.
Student Goals:
I will attend school regularly and be on time.
I will do my best in class and on my school work.
- I will ask for help when I don’t understand something.
- I will come prepared each day (supplies, books, completed work).
- I will keep a positive attitude towards self, others, school and learning.
- I will discuss with my parents what I am learning about in school.
- I will read frequently at home.
- Other:
Student Signature:
Parent Goals:
I will ensure that my child attends school regularly and is on time.
I will provide enough time and an environment at home that allows my child to complete school work and/or study at home.
- I will encourage my child to do his/her best work.
- I will be aware of my child’s progress by attending conferences and requested meetings, monitoring homework, checking schoolwork and communicating with school staff.
- I will reinforce to my child the importance of respect for self and others.
- Other:
Parent Signature:
Teacher Goals:
I will be a positive role model.
I will provide a positive learning environment that builds self-esteem and academic knowledge where students can be successful.
- I will maintain high expectations for myself and the students.
- I will communicate and work with families to support student learning.
- I will show respect to parents, students and family situations.
- I will encourage good reading habits and study skills.
- Other:
Teacher Signature: